A Christmas update and Thankyou to all our supporters

We would just like to take this opportunity to thank all of our supporters for sticking with  us during this last year of uncertainties during this Coronavirus pandemic. Thankfully due to your support and the work of or dedicated team of volunteers we have managed to keep the charity functioning albeit in a different fashion to normal years with the homing centre and shop being closed to the public for certain periods, all fundraising events being cancelled and all areas of the charity having to change our practices to become Covid safe. We have continued our rescue work were permitted and  have had to switch all our rehoming to appointment only which has been a big challenge for everyone.

Lastly we would like to apologise to anyone that would normally receive our quarterly newsletter, due to all the above challenges and more it has not been possible to put together, print and send out our normal  newsletter during this year. We plan to relaunch the newsletter in the new year Covid dependant.

Rose & Steve on behalf of the Caring for cats committee